The Difference between Inherent and non inherent (Treated) Flame Retardant Clothing


  • Inherent FR The actual structure of the fiber itself is non-flammable. The protection’s always woven into the garments and therefore wont wash out.
  • Treated FR fabrics are created by applying a flame-retardant chemical finish to a fabric or by adding a chemical treatment to the fibers before they are woven or knitted into the fabric. The chemicals form a strong bond with the polymer chain that is difficult to remove by washing when the recommended laundering instructions are followed accurately. The chemical treatment alters the molecular structure of the polymer.

Pros and Cons of inherent FR Products

  • FR protection mechanism: The primary advantage of inherent FR fabrics is the high level of protection against thermal hazards. Inherent FR fabrics will not ignite in normal oxygen content levels.
  • Inherent FR fabrics consistently have higher Thermal Protective Performance. The TPP rating is a measurement of a protective garment’s thermal insulation performance against convective and radiant heat exposure. A garment’s TPP score is simply two times the number of seconds it takes for a second-degree burn to occur. The higher the TPP rating, the higher the level of protection provided by the garment.
  • Permanent protection: The FR properties of inherent FR fabrics will not wash out or wear away.
  • Higher upfront price: Inherent FR fibers are typically more expensive than treated fibres. The effectiveness of the thermal protection during the lifetime of the garment may allow a more expensive garment to be worn for a longer period of time. The higher upfront price for inherent FR apparel can be justified over the long term when its durability extends the life of the garment.

 Pros and Con’s of treated FR Products

  • Enhanced comfort: Workers want to wear organic fibers like cotton  because they are comfortable — even after they are chemically treated. Treated FR fabrics are both lightweight and flexible.
  • FR protection mechanism: When exposed to direct flame, some treated FR fabrics rely on a chemical reaction to extinguish the flame. Other treated FR fabrics char as their form of protection or off-gas to prevent combustion.
  • Inexpensive alternatives: Treated FR fabrics tend to be less expensive upfront than inherent FR fabrics. This can be a primary driver in the PPE decision-making process.

We recommend the best way to protect yourself and your staff is to carry out a detailed risk assessment. Why not contact one of our experienced account managers who will do one for you. Call 0808 1781938 or email to inquire

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